
Enrollment Options

  • Basic Enrollment

    Basic enrollment includes only the on-demand portion of the course. It does not include 1-on-1 coaching or individual review of assignments.

  • Premium Enrollment

    Premium Enrollment includes the on-demand courses of the Basic Enrollment, as well as individual review and feedback of assignments submitted + 1 one-hour 1-on-1 coaching session.

Your Gain

Applying to job postings and hearing crickets is very frustrating. You have heard that the Hidden Job Market has greater opportunities. But how do you find the hidden gems in your job search? This course breaks down the hidden job market and delivers innovative strategies that open a whole new world of opportunities. When you complete this course you will:

  • Understand What are Target Companies and Why You Need Them

  • Learn How to Develop Your Target Company List

  • Learn How to Research Your Target Industries

  • Learn How to Research Your Target Companies

  • Learn How to Target Your Next Boss

  • Learn How to Successfully Get and Navigate Informational Meetings

  • Learn How to Quantify Your Ideal Job

Course curriculum

    1. Mining Treasures in the Hidden Job Market: Target Companies - What & Why - Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Target Companies - What & Why - On-Demand Lesson

    1. Mining Treasure In The Hidden Job Market: Developing Your Target Company List - Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasure In The Hidden Job Market: Developing Your Target Company List - On-Demand Lesson

    3. Target Company List - Assignment

    1. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Strategies to Research Your Target Industries - Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Strategies to Research Your Target Industries - On-Demand Lesson

    1. Mining Jobs In The Hidden Job Market: Strategies to Research Your Target Companies - Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Strategies to Research Your Target Companies - On-Demand Lesson

    3. Target Company Research - Assigmnent

    1. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Breaking Into Your Target Companies- Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Strategies to Break Into Your Target Companies - On-Demand Lesson

    3. Strategies To Break Into Target companies - Assignment

    1. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Targeting Your Next Boss - Slide Deck & Notes

    2. Mining Treasures In The Hidden Job Market: Targeting Your Next Boss - On-Demand Lesson

    3. Targeting Your Next Boss - Assignment

About this course

  • $169.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Social proof: more testimonials


Harry N. COO

“Game Changer! My eyes opened to how much potential there is for me to up my game for job my search. Highly recommend this intense and effective workshop for a practical step-by-step road map with coaching for pivoting up and putting on your ‘A’ game in your job search and career moving forward.”


Suzanne E. - Project Portfolio Management Executive

“Greg, your 8-week ‘Take Your Career Above The Rim’ coaching workshop was instrumental in preparing me for attaining my new role at AWS.” (Amazon Web Services)

Wish I did it sooner!

Jim A. VP Operations & Logistics

“Just completed Greg’s eight-week program. I have worked with other outplacement programs, but really wish I started my transition with his program. I learned so many new insights and strategies along with creating new documents and great feedback on all my career assets. It was invaluable and well worth the investment.”